Book Reviews

The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins

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I don’t know what to say. I am a fan of suspense and thriller, but this book, despite being one, failed to impress me. I believe the main character of the book is responsible for taking the story forward and keeping the readers hooked and that is what the problem was. I hated this book because of all the main characters. There are three women whose point of view is shared in this book. And according to my opinion, they all suffer from some form of mental issue. And it becomes depressing after a while. The worst part is neither one of them is turning over a new leaf despite knowing the shit they have pulled over themselves and the lives of the people surrounding them.

Rachel is a divorcee who can not get over her ex. She has a drinking problem, has lost her job and is a pain in the head for her tenant because of her carelessness. She rides the train every day to give her tenant the impression that she is still employed. While on her commute, she passes some houses and has become obsessed with a couple living in one of it.

Megan and her husband live on one of the houses lying next to the railway track. To the girl on the train (Rachel), they seem like the perfect couple. But Megan has a death wish. She has had a very twisted past which has made a mess of her brain. She appears to be sane however she is quiet the opposite. She is ruining every thing in her life because of her bipolar-ness and is making the crappiest excuses for doing so.

Anna is the girl Rachel’s ex-husband cheated her with. She is self-absorbed, insensitive, insecure, stupid ass of a women who is obsessed with her baby and her husband. Her sole purpose in life is to appear as the best couple and parents on the street. Oh How I hate her! And by the way she lives on the same street as Megan.

The story kicks off when Megan goes missing.  And then the story just kind of stays there, refusing to move forward till you have at least read half the book. Rachel is somehow connected to Megan’s disappearance. But again, it takes her forever to remember how. Because she was drunk on the night Megan disappeared. And the reader has to wait for eternity to find out when Rachel will start talking sense. All the while you are being told that a person forgets what happens when they are drunk because their brain fails to make any memories. Which is ironic because how does Rachel finally remember everything in the end? The worst part is that you have to see her making all the wrong moves and stupid mistakes throughout the book. I was forever rolling my eyes and sighing. I wish I could somehow get hold of Rachel, slap her, shake her and then kill her. And it gets even worse (if that was possible) to witness Anna’s craziness. I mean how crazy can a person be. Clearly this book tells you how very much.

The only part that saved this book was the plot twist in the end. I did not see it coming and I doubt any of you would either when you read the book. I still hate it though. It kept me depressed with its dull, drunken, unsteady vibe and the characters of all the three women made me angrier with every new chapter.

I feel relived after writing this review. It feels like I have let go of a weight by discussing my views. I am sure a lot of you would think differently about it though. They ended up making a movie on this book and the trailer gives the same vibes as the book. And I agree with Rachel’s casting. No one can give a better dazed look than Emily Blunt.

Let me know what you think about it too. I am looking forward for someone to try and change my mind about it.

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